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  1. Paulis, M. G., & Samra, M. F. A. (2015). Estimation of sex from scapular measurements using chest CT in Egyptian population sample. Journal of Forensic Radiology and Imaging, 3(3), 153-157.

  2. Paulis, M. G. (2015). Estimation of stature from handprint dimensions in Egyptian population. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 34, 55–61.

  3. Melad Gad Paules, Jaklin Fekri Zaher, Esam Mahmoud Hafez and Nashoa Fathy El-Tahawy (2013): Toxicological Effects Induced by Chlorpyrifos Administration on Thyroid and Suprarenal Glands in Adult Male Albino Rats. Ain Shams Journal of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology, 20:99-105.

  4. Hafez, E. M., Paulis, M. G., Ahmed, M. A., NagyFathy, M., Abdel-Lateff, A., & Algandaby, M. M. (2015). Protective and Anti-oxidant Activity of the Euryops Arabicus against Paracetamol Induced Hepatorenal Toxicity in Rats. Journal of Clinical Toxicology,

  5. Paulis MG, Faheem AL. Homicidal Snake Bite in Children. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2015 Dec 1.

  6. Abbas MF, Paulis MG and Gab-Allah EF: Iatrogenic parenteral iron overload in children in Minia Governorate, Egypt. Egypt J. Forensic Sci. Appli. Toxicol, Vol 14(2), December 2014.

  7. Paulis MG & Abbas MF: Tramadol subchronic toxicity on pituitary-gonadal axis and ovarian functions in adult female rats. Egypt J. Forensic Sci. Appli. Toxicol, Vol 15(1), June 2015.

  8. Paulis MG, Abbas MF & Abbas AH: Subchronic Effects of E-Cigarette and Conventional Tobacco Smoke Exposure on Pituitary and Thyroid Glands Functions: Comparative Experimental Study. Egypt J. Forensic Sci. Appli. Toxicol, Vol 15(2), December supp. 2015.

  9.   Paulis MG, Hassan EE, Abd-Elgaber NA: Estimation of Postmortem Interval from Cartilage Changes of Rabbit Auricle. Ain Shams Journal of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology, January 2016,26:61-69.

  10. Toxicological Assessment of Venlafaxine: Acute and Subchronic Toxicity Study in Rats
    MG Paulis, EM Hafez, NF El-Tahawy, MKM Aly, International journal of toxicology, 1091581818777470.

  11. Electrolytes and Biochemical Changes in Cerebrospinal Fluid in Drowning: Experimental Rabbit Model. Paulis, Melad, G., Hasan, Eman The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology. 

  12. Subjective versus digital image analysis of the corneal opacity as a tool for estimation of time since death with studying the effect of eye closure and ambient temperature
    MG Paulis , RHA Younis, The Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences and Applied Toxicology 19 (1), 129-143.

    MG Paulis, DM Ali.










Journal Publications

- Claude Bernard -

“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”


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